The primary mission of Kepler, as a premier entrant in the global competition, is to create a net-negative, gigaton-scale solution capable of tackling the biggest challenge facing humanity in the coming decades: Rebalancing the atmosphere-ocean carbon cycle.
Funded by the Musk Foundation, this $100M Carbon Removal competition is the largest incentive prize in history, which is in and of itself a truly extraordinary milestone. This four-year global competition invites innovators and teams from everywhere on the planet to create and demonstrate CO₂-capturing solutions capable of durable sequestration for 100 years.
Billions of tons of greenhouse gasses are collecting in the atmosphere and biosphere, where expanding industrialization, population growth, and rising standards of living manifest a clear and present danger to our global society. As greenhouse gasses accumulate, oceans are warming and acidifying, extreme weather systems are commonplace, and food webs are buckling.
The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates 10 gigatonnes of net CO₂ removal per year by 2050 to keep global temperature rise under 1.5˚C or 2˚C. As governments, companies, investors, and entrepreneurs pivot to meet this challenge, it is clear we need a proven range of solutions to complement the work already underway. If humanity continues on a business-as-usual path, the global average temperature could increase 6˚C by the year 2100.
Kepler ReCapture is re-envisioning the carbon transition by introducing a recaptured green CO₂ into the market as a renewable alternative to existing supply chains. We are aligning industry with earth’s natural processes, creating a framework where economic activity and sustainable atmospheric-ocean carbon cycle management will unleash this multi-trillion dollar market.
The amount of carbon sequestration required (1 Gigaton) by the XPRIZE contest will indeed increase carbon credit supply from carbon-negative sources. However, coupling efficient delivery of liquid CO₂, marine-derived energy, and desalinated water to coastal nations addresses major economic and geopolitical issues.